Our School

Locke's Public School received its name from the original farm that was located on the property and the land was obtained for the purpose of the school and a surrounding development. The area became known as Locke's Community, a "sub-division" of St.Thomas.

Locke’s Public School is a newly renovated building that hosts JK to Grade 8 classes. Locke’s also acts as the host for one of the school board’s Pervasive Developmental Disorder Programs. Locke’s participates in a full range of sports, including cross-country, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, track and field, slo pitch, as well as performing musicals such as Annie, Wizard of Oz, Willy Wonka, Shrek Jr. and Matilda. Our students have also received numerous awards for both their musical and dramatic performances, as well as in the language arts including numerous recipients of the Lawson Literary Award. 

Locke's has an active PVA (Parent Volunteer Association) which organizes and operates a daily snack program and weekly hot lunch program.  


© 2023 , 20 South Edgeware Rd., St. Thomas . Tel. 519-631-8890, Fax 519-631-3229, lockes@tvdsb.ca, Superintendent: P. Sydor, Trustees: M. Ruddock, B. Smith